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Donators List

Note: This name listed below is the name who has donated to us through the donation button. If you do not want your name to be listed below, email me at : mvp.contactus@gmail.com
For privacy purposes, we will not list the amount of your donations, however if you want us to put the amount, you can request it by emailing us. Thank you very much!

Dear Visitors of MVP-Livesports, We need some Financial support to keep improving this site with new features and better functionality.

So PLEASE make a Donation to our site and we can start making it better then you've ever seen before. All donations are used for maintaining the site only. Donations are not used to pay streamers or moderators who participate on this site. So please help us out, a small amount is enough. Of course, even a Dollor is enough, it's all welcome! Those payments can be made with Paypal, with your credit card or bank account.Click "DONATE" at the side bar!

A special thank you goes to the people who have donated to MVP-Livesports:
1. Robert Moore (dec - jan period)
2. Michael (jan-feb period)
3. Mike Zbihlyj (Feb-March period)

If you have donated and do not see your name here please email us at mvp.contactus@gmail.com
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Frequently Asked Questions :
1. How to watch a match online?
ans: on the top of this, you can see all the main links. Go to watch live here and Click on the link to watch. Links will be updated 10 minutes before the game.

Remember to refresh channel by clicking the refresh button below the channel list during match to receive updates.

2. It requires a password, what is it?
ans: It will be written just above the video.

3. How to watch fullscreen?
ans: On the video, right bottom side, there is two squares icon. click on it.

4. My page is blank? What Happened?
ans :Wait for a few minutes until your browser finish loading. If it takes too long, try refresh again until it show up. If it stated off air, it could be the channel has not broadcasting or if you think the match should be starting now, try another channel


All the videos and/or live streamings embedded in this blog is not hosted and/or uploaded and/or broadcasted by MVP-Funzone-Livesports, therefore by opening this site you also agree that MVP-Funzone-Livesports will not be held liable for any accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of the embedded materials. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate provider or broadcaster at either justin.tv or Ustream.tv. Thank you!

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